Today Show Sarah Abo host experiences hilarious on air blunder

It's a mistake many can relate to....
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Today Show host Sarah Abo made a hilarious on-air blunder during Monday morning’s broadcast, spilling her coffee all over the reporter’s desk just moments before going to air. 

In the hilarious behind-the-scenes video shared with the 325,000 followers of The Today Show Instagram account, Sarah is seen frantically wiping away at the clear desk as she attempts to clean up her mess. 

WATCH NOW: Sarah Abo spills coffee on The Today Show desk moments before going live to air. Article continues after video. 

“30 seconds?!?” Sarah says to the camera in disbelief as she is told of the countdown to going live and realises how long (or little) she has to clean up, as her co-workers laugh around her. 

As a member of the production crew steps in to help Sarah clean up her coffee, fill-in host James Bracey is seen holding up his laptop, letting it drip dry onto the desk. 

“Am I even doing anything here?!? I’m just waving the laptop trying to shake it [the coffee] out. This is great,” James laughed incredulously. 

It was all hands on deck to clean up this mess (Credit: Nine/Instagram)

As the clock continued to tick down, fellow co-host Brooke Boney is seen with a bemused expression on her face, adding to the fray with a joke about James’ first day as a fill-in for Karl Stefanovic being “sabotaged.”

“Get a new Karl this is what happens,” James laughed before asking his fellow presenters: “If this was Karl’s cup would this be beer?” as they all cackled at the early morning chaos together. 

It was a rough first day behind the desk for James Bracey! (Credit: Nine/Instagram)

Fans of the show were quick to share their thoughts on the hilarious close call, taking to the comments section of the original post. 

“Oh Sarah, spilling coffee which is liquid gold is simply sinful 😂,” one fan joked. 

“Definitely need towels on standby from now on lol,” said another.”

“I’m currently watching ‘Morning Wars’ and this feels like it came straight out of the show 😂,” a third added. 

Despite the coffee spill, Sarah was ready to go for when The Today Show went live at 5:30am. (Credit: Nine/Instagram)

James is currently filling for Karl as he vacations in Europe with his wife Jasmine Yarborough and three-year-old daughter Harper. 

The couple recently attended the wedding of chef Guillaume Brahimi and Inghams Enterprises heiress Tamie Ingham in Paris in what has been dubbed the ‘socialite wedding of the year.’

Jasmine was a bridesmaid during the lavish nuptials whilst Karl MC’d the affair. 

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