The Queen’s shock comment about the Dutch royal family revealed

You won’t believe what she said!
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The Queen is the picture of elegance and normally never puts a foot wrong, but a royal biographer has claimed that she once made a shocking remark about the Dutch Royal Family.

Her Majesty has reigned for 67 years and has always kept up diplomatic relations with other royal monarchies of Europe. However, when Queen Juliana of the Netherlands abdicated, she had something to say.

“The Queen has supposedly slowed down a little but there is absolutely no chance of her retiring to potter anywhere,” biographer Penny Junor writes in her 2005 book, The Firm.

“When she was nearing 60, her press secretary had his knuckles wrapped. He rang the Queen from the squawk-box on his desk and told her that Queen Juliana of the Netherlands had just abdicated.

The Queen
The Queen is said to have commented on the abdication. (Credit: Getty Images)

“’Typical of the Dutch,’ said the Queen and hung up on him.”

While her comment may have been abrupt, a number of Dutch royals have abdicated in recent years.

Queen Juliana abdicated the throne at the age of 71 in 1980 and her daughter Queen Beatrix abdicated in 2013, aged 75.

The Queen with Queen Juliana. (Credit: Getty Images)

Despite her age, it is very unlikely that The Queen will follow in their footsteps and abdicate.

“Even if she became incapacitated in some way it is still unthinkable that she would abdicate,” adds Penny.

“Far more likely that a regency would be adopted.”

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