Harry and Meghan slammed for silence during Black Lives Matter protests

Fans have criticised the Sussexes
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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have always been vocal when it comes to social justice – but some have criticised the pair for not making a direct statement on the recent Black Lives Matter protests.

WATCH BELOW: Meghan Markle speaks out against racism in unearthed video.

The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, of which Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are president and vice-president of respectively, shared Martin Luther King Jr’s poignant quote “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” on social media, but the couple have not made a personal statement.

“Young people are vital voices in the fight against injustice and racism around the world. As a global community of young leaders we stand together in pursuit of fairness and a better way forward,” the message stated, adding “Silence is not an option.”

While the couple’s former Instagram account Sussex Royal is no longer in action, Twitter users have voiced their concern and questioned why the couple haven’t made a direct statement.

Harry and Meghan
Harry and Meghan have communicated via the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust accounts. (Credit: Getty)

“Has #MeghanMarkle said anything about the death of George Floyd, her fellow POC? Exactly what has she ever done for black people? Certainly nowhere near what they have done for her. Her biggest interest is herself,” one wrote.

“Wondering why #MeghanMarkle and #PrinceHarry are quiet about the racism occurring in the US? #silenceiscompliance,” another stated.

One fan even wrote: “So where is Meghan now. Black Americans stood by her and #PrinceHarry We’re so proud of her. SPEAK UP SIS! WYA.”

Meghan Markle
A resurfaced video of Meghan from 2012 speaking out against racism has emerged. (Credit: Supplied)

A resurfaced clip of Duchess Meghan from 2012 emerged this week from the time she filmed a segment on racism for non-profit organisation Erase the Hate.

In the video, the former Suits star recounted experiences of experiencing racial slurs and insults, and her hopes for the future.

“I hope that by the time I have children that people are even more open-minded to how things are changing,” the now mum-of-one said at the time. 

“I am really proud of my heritage on both sides, I’m really proud of where I’ve come from and where I’m going.”

Harry and Meghan
When the couple started dating, Prince Harry issued a statement calling out racist treatment towards Meghan. (Credit: Getty)

When Harry and Meghan first started dating, Prince Harry also spoke out against racism and sexism in a rare statement.

The red-headed royal highlighted that his then-girlfriend had been subject to “a wave of abuse and harassment”.

“Some of this has been very public – the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments,” the statement read.

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