PICS: ‘Lazy’ Camilla strips down in Sardinia while the Queen fumes

The Duchess of Cornwall loves the sun - but not everyone is thrilled
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Prince Charles’ wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, is at it again – swanning around sunny Sardinia on a glorious private yacht, with Charles nowhere in sight.

The notoriously work-shy royal was papped soaking up the rays in the glamorous Mediterranean hot spot with a group of friends during a private jaunt. Stripping down to a one piece swimsuit, the Duchess enjoyed a trip on a speed boat and was seen sun baking and enjoying a brief frolic in the surf.

WATCH: Camilla sternly tells off Kate Middleton

Camilla escaped to the Sardinia this time last year, and was roundly blasted by royal sources in the press for doing so. But it seems that despite the Queen’s reported disapproval last time, the Duchess is refusing to give up her love of a good holiday.

At the time, the Queen is said to be ‘mortified’ by Camilla’s holiday parade, thinking the party-loving royal was frittering away palace money on unnecessary luxury holidays.

‘The Queen is positively livid over Camilla’s holiday,’ a palace source was quoted as saying.


‘The royals have had their annual summer holiday and now it’s the time for them to buckle down and get back to work – but instead, Camilla is gallivanting around Europe in her swimsuit and partying on boats. The whole thing has really set the Queen off. She couldn’t be more angry.’

Camilla once famously pulled out of a Middle East tour because aides said she found it ‘too hot’.


According to a new Court Circular report, Camilla has undertaken a meagre 57 per cent of the official royal engagements Queen Elizabeth II has taken on this year. As of September, Camilla has worked just 69 engagements, coming in as the eighth hardest working royal out of 15 royal family members. 

That means the future queen is in the bottom half of her family when it comes to her work ethic. 

Britain’s Telegraph newspaper quotes a source as saying, ‘She is a lazy woman, she certainly doesn’t want to work. Charles and Camilla argue about how little she really wants to get involved.’


Camilla’s alleged ‘laziness’ has been slammed before. Robert Higdon, the former head of Charles’ charities in the US, was quoted as saying on the Duchess: ‘For her to get up in the morning and survive until nightfall is a major effort.

‘It was even hard for her to get out of bed. She tries her best to do nothing during the day. It was horrible, a disaster.’

But whatever people are saying, it seems Camilla is determined to stay true to herself, and enjoy a spot of sun when she feels like it, no matter what. 

WATCH: Prince Charles captivated by Camilla Parker Bowles

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