Protein packed pancakes with blueberry topping

Pre-prep and freeze for any day of the week, or eat them fresh!

Try alternative toppings like honey, yoghurt, nuts and whipped coconut cream!


Chia blueberry topping



To make your topping, mix frozen blueberries and chia seeds in a small microwave-safe bowl then microwave on high for 30 seconds.

2. Stir the mixture again, then leave to sit out while you make your pancakes (the chia seeds will soften and form a yummy jelly-like texture with the liquid released from the blueberries).

3. In a food processor, combine all pancake ingredients until smooth.

4. Heat approximately 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil in a non-stick pan on medium-low heat.

5. When melted and hot, pour 1/4 cup of pancake batter into the pan for each pancake and very carefully spread the batter into desired size using the back of a spoon.

6. Cook the pancakes for 2 minutes on each side.

7. Transfer cooked pancakes to a plate, top with chia blueberry mixture and enjoy!

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