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Miracle premmie bub born in car

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A mum who gave birth to her son in a car at 11 weeks premature has shared her incredible story on Instagram after he came out fully enclosed in his amniotic sac.


Raelin Scurry began to feel contractions at just 29 weeks pregnant but wrote them off as just Braxton Hicks contractions. But suddenly she realised it was the real deal, so she jumped in the car with husband Ean and rushed to hospital.

With the emergency dispatcher on the phone, Raelin recalls the moment she knew she wouldn’t make it in time – and with her bub 11 weeks early, she knew they needed help quickly.

‘I knew we would make it to the hospital before they would make it to us. So I told Ean to keep driving,’ she wrote in an Instagram post.

It was then, in the passenger seat that Raelin gave birth to her son – completely enclosed in his amniotic sac.

‘I was so scared… At first the baby was still and all I could do was pray he would be okay.

‘And then I rubbed his face with my thumb and he pulled his little hands and feet up to his face as if he understood my prayers and wanted to reassure us he was okay.’

Raelin’s baby had been born en-caul – meaning he was still enclosed in his amniotic sac, a 1 in 80,000 occurrence.

The experience of ‘waters breaking’ is when the amniotic sac bursts, and since Raelin’s didn’t – it was a fair assumption that her contractions were phantom.

Thankfully only 7 minutes after bub was born they arrived at the hospital, where her baby boy – Ean Jamal Vanstory Jr – was found to be healthy. Even if he was a little early.

‘He’s doing wonderful all things considered all he went through I know he’s going to be an awesome little man. He is truly a miracle baby,’ she wrote.

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