The five teas you need to be drinking to look younger

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From anti-ageing to stress relief, 
the complexities 
of a good brew could 
be just the sip you 
need for better health. ‘Drinking tea 
not only provides 
us with an enjoyable taste experience, but research has shown the tea leaf does have wide-ranging health benefits to help keep us young,’ says the founder of Byron Bay Tea Company, Sarita Merlo (byronbayteacompany.com.au). Tea comes from the camellia sinensis plant, and there are four types: green, white, black and oolong – all containing antioxidants called polyphenols. ‘This includes flavonoids and catechins, which studies show provide a protective antioxidant action against harmful free radicals that damage our 
cells,’ explains Sarita.

Here are some blends to brew for a healthy fix…

1. The Anti-ager:
Try green tea with berries, “Gotu Kola, in particular is a regenerative herb and great for skin,” says Sarita

2. The Detoxifier:
Look out for herbs that support the liver, such as Dandelion and Calendula or fennel seeds and include in your tea, to help rid the body of toxins.

3. The De-stressor:
A herbal tea with Chamomile and passionflower (a strong sedative type herb) can help reduce anxiety and insomnia.

4. The Energiser:
3pm slump? Get a quicl lift by adding in Ginseng to improve alertness and endurance.

5. The Weight reducer:
Sarita suggests using Oolong tea for weight loss managment ‘It can assist with digestion and help increase your metabolism.”

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