Farmer Wants A Wife’s Todd and Daisy share marriage bombshell during reunion episode

They are still together!
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Farmer Todd has confirmed that he and Daisy are still very much together during the Farmer Wants A Wife reunion.

Not only has Daisy already moved to the farm to be with Todd, she hinted that a proposal is “on the cards”.

Todd confirmed that they have both already spoken about marriage and kids.

“I’m definitely in love with this girl,” Todd said.

“I’m going to marry this man,” Daisy added.

Todd and Daisy are still together.

It comes after the 28-year-old implied that kids are very much on the horizon for her and the country boy.

Sharing footage in which she was galloping across the farm on horseback, Daisy wrote on Instagram: “Not many people get a second chance at the life they were raised in. Excited to share this with our kids one day.”

farmer wants a wife todd and daisy on a bench
Farmer Todd chose Daisy on Farmer Wants A Wife.

Todd, 33, confessed his love for Daisy during the penultimate episode of Farmer Wants A Wife. Previously heartbroken, he said: “Finding love is a big risk. I’m willing to take the risk with you, Daisy.

“I can finally give you the reassurance that I am definitely falling in love with you.”  

Over the moon, Daisy replied: “This is where the exciting part starts right? Forever.”

It’s no surprise that they are still together, with an insider telling New Idea that “Todd is a very happy camper right now”. More on that here.

farmer wants a wife farmer todd
Farmer Todd is a third-generation farmer.

On Todd’s first date with Daisy, the Baan Baa local opened up about his past relationship and how he has since grown, explaining he and his ex-partner broke up as they “weren’t connecting like they used to”.

Daisy herself was previously married, also working on self-growth since the divorce.

“I’ve put the work into myself and I know who I am as a person, what I deserve, and who I deserve,” she said. 

When speaking about Farmer Todd, the 28-year-old called him a “cute… genuine and kind guy”.

“His love for horses is a big winner for me,” she told Seven. “I feel we’d be able to relate on so many levels. I love animals, especially horses.

farmer wants a wife daisy
Congratulations to the new couple!

It sure sounds like Daisy fits the bill for Farmer Todd, who told Seven he is looking for someone “easy going and pretty relaxed like (himself)”.

“But also willing to get their hands dirty and not be afraid of hard work,” he added. “Someone who’ll enjoy living on the farm and the farming lifestyle,” he said.

Speaking to New Idea, Todd confessed he was nervous heading into the show, but his family and friends reminded him to simply be himself. 

“Everyone knew I was joining the show to find someone, and they all said, we all love you so hopefully someone else will too!”

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