
Home And Away nightmare: Tragic news for Brody

The young chef’s addiction battle lands him in hot water
Channel 7

It seems the middle Morgan brother is about to derail his life beyond repair.


In a shocking turn of events on Home And Away next week, Brody (Jackson Heywood) finds himself being questioned by police over his drug habits.

Home and away kat chapman
(Credit: Channel 7)

At the station, Kat (Pia Miller) is worried about the young chef – she’s threatening to drug test him and insists it will pick up any illicit substances he’s taken in the previous 12 hours.

Before he landed himself in hot water, Brody’s siblings Justin (James Stewart), Tori (Penny McNamee) and Mason (Orpheus Pledger) were worried about their beloved brother.

(Credit: Channel 7)

In fact, Brody narrowly avoided getting caught inhaling a mystery white powder at Salt restaurant.

Brody heads into the storeroom, where he pulls out a bag, but is interrupted when Mason knocks on the door.

He hastily clears away evidence of the drugs and goes to sign for a delivery.


He thinks he’s got away with it until Mason points out: ‘Your nose is bleeding.’

While Jackson remains coy about how it will all work out for Brody, the 28-year-old star does say there’s a lot of drama on the horizon for his character.

‘There’s some major stuff coming up for Brody,’ he hints. ‘He’s in quite a bit of trouble…’

This story originally appeared in this week’s New Idea – Out Now.

(Credit: New Idea)


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