Actors, Singers and other Public Figures Who Smoke

Find out which of your favourite celebrities smoke in our celebrity smokers list.
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Tons of people smoke, from your regular everyday Joe to your favourite celebs and stars. Even members of the royal family aren’t immune to the habit!

If you’re curious to find out which famous people take a cig break every once in a while, you’re in luck. We’ve got an up-to-date list of celebrity smokers. You’ll be surprised to find out who smokes, who doesn’t, and who’s quit!

RELATED: How safe is vaping?

Actors Who Smoke

Does Sophie Monk Smoke?

The Australian actress, singer, and model probably isn’t shy about smoking, considering all of the photos of her enjoying the occasional stick in public.

Does Leonardo DiCaprio Smoke?

As an actor, DiCaprio sometimes has to smoke for the big screen. But do actors really smoke in movies? Well, Leonardo DiCaprio does! All of his smoking roles have seen him smoke actual cigarettes.

He’s also been known to take smoke breaks in real life. But nowadays, you’re more likely to see him with a vape-pen instead.

Does Brad Pitt Smoke?

He tries not to anymore, but with the custody battle with his ex, actress and director Angelina Jolie, he may be turning to old habits to relax. While Pitt has been reported to be using vapes to try and curb his habit, he was recently spotted smoking cigarettes again.

Does Ryan Gosling Smoke?

This heartthrob used to enjoy lighting up cigarettes to relax. But The Notebook star said that he had “smoked himself out” after playing the cigarette-addicted lead in The Nice Guys

In an interview on The Kyle and Jackie O Show, he jokingly had this to say: “It really is the greatest way to quit – it’s hard to come by – you really have to get a film where you have to smoke all the time, but I highly recommend it if you are trying to quit.”

Does Nicole Kidman Smoke?

She’s claimed in past interviews that she doesn’t smoke, but she’s been spotted taking smoke breaks on film sets and even in the middle of a press release during the 2003 Cannes Festival.

It’s not too clear whether she still smokes today, but she was last seen smoking in the 2017 film The Killing of a Sacred Deer.

Does Margot Robbie Smoke?

Robbie has been seen lighting up cigarettes in movies like Terminal, but she hasn’t been seen taking a smoke break offscreen.

Singers Who Smoke

Does Ed Sheeran Smoke?

A year ago, the “Shape of You” singer proudly announced on Instagram that he had been a nonsmoker for a whole year. 

Before then, Sheeran smoked as part of his daily routine. He tried quitting in 2011 and 2015, but it was in 2017 when Sheeran was able to stop smoking (hopefully for good) with the help of his wife.

Does Justin Bieber Smoke?

In 2016, he made it his New Year’s resolution to quit smoking, but just a few days after making that announcement, he was seen smoking outside his hotel.  

The music industry’s resident bad boy is trying though. A couple of months into 2016, he was seen sucking on a pacifier, probably to curb the oral cravings.

Does Selena Gomez smoke?

Back in 2014, the former Disney star (and Justin Bieber’s on-and-off-again girlfriend) was seen buying cigarettes in L.A. and later in the year she was seen smoking during Coachella. 

Recently though, she may have traded in cigarettes for vape-pens after being spotted with one during a trip to Rome last year.

Does Harry Styles Smoke?

Unlike other 1D members, Harry Styles doesn’t smoke. There were some rumours back in 2013 when Zayn and Niall were spotted enjoying cigarettes, but Styles’ mum insisted that her son wasn’t a smoker.

Still, it has been six years, so who knows if he’s picked up the habit since then? One thing’s for sure – if he is a smoker, he definitely doesn’t do it in public.

Harry Styles at the 2019 Met Gala
(Credit: Getty)

Does Lady Gaga Smoke?

Oscar-winner Lady Gaga does smoke, but she prefers clove cigars over cigarettes. Musician friends like Stevie Wonder, Elton John and Tony Bennett have urged her to stop though – probably to preserve that golden voice of hers.

Does Ariana Grande Smoke?

When this picture came out on Twitter, fans were in a frenzy because it looked like pop princess Ariana Grande was holding a cigarette. But we’ll let her reply answer this question for us:

“my nails are white relAX I DONT SMOKE”


Does Drake Smoke?

We all know Drake likes the hookah, but cigarettes don’t really seem to be his thing. He did ask professional vaper, Austin Lawrence, to hook him up with a vape though.

Drake poses with trophies at an awards night
(Credit: Getty)

Does Miley Cyrus Smoke?

While Miley’s more known for smoking joints or hitting bongs, she smoked ciggies too before quitting in 2014.

Does Beyoncé Smoke?

The Lion King actress does like a puff every once in a while. Maybe not from ciggies, but from a nice, fancy cigar.

Public Figures Who Smoke

Does Barack Obama Smoke?

The former president did, but he quit before he ran for the position. Obama used substitutes like Nicorette gum to help him kick the habit. If you ask him, however, it was his fear of former First Lady Michelle Obama that got him to quit.

Does the Queen Smoke?

The dangers of smoking weren’t common knowledge at the time the Queen was a young girl, but it seems like she never picked up the habit. But even if Queen Elizabeth II didn’t smoke, her father King George VI and sister Princess Margaret definitely did – and so did some of her grandchildren.

Does Prince Harry Smoke?

Of the royals that smoke, Prince Harry might be one of the heaviest smokers. But after getting engaged to former Suits star Meghan Markle, everything changed. 

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex want a family, and after hearing that smoking can lower sperm count, Prince Harry started cutting back on the cigarettes.

Does Meghan Markle Smoke?

The Duchess of Sussex is known for her fit and healthy lifestyle, so it shouldn’t come as a shock that she doesn’t smoke too.

Actor & Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle
(Credit: Getty)

Does Kate Middleton Smoke?

Kate Middleton doesn’t have the same wild reputation that her brother-in-law has, but she may have enjoyed smoking the occasional ciggie when she was younger.

(Credit: Getty)

Does Prince William Smoke?

Much like his brother, the older prince was a regular smoker when he was younger – much to the displeasure of their father Prince Charles. But William hasn’t been spotted with cigarettes in a long while, so it’s likely that he doesn’t smoke anymore.

Prince William at the Launch King's Cup
(Credit: Getty)

Athletes Who Smoke

Does Anna Kournikova Smoke?

Smoking and sports don’t exactly mix, but that doesn’t stop top athletes from puffing every once in a while. Tennis star Anna Kournikova, even at the height of her athletic career, smoked the occasional cigarette. While she never won a singles title, she did make a name for herself as a model and TV personality after she quit sports.

Does Michael Jordan Smoke?

The original GOAT, Michael Jordan is undoubtedly one of the most famous sportsmen that smoke. But he doesn’t smoke cigarettes – instead, he favours a good Cuban cigar, especially while making his rounds ‘round a golf course. The former basketball player turned golf aficionado says smoking a cigar relaxes him before a big game.

Does Tom Brady Smoke?

The quarterback of the New England Patriots used to be an avid smoker. But when he was caught with a cigarette in 2009, he was forced to quit for the good of his team. He also had to issue a public apology to his fans and sponsors for the indiscretion.

Tom Brady at the Super Bowl Victory Parade
(Credit: Getty)

Does Kevin Durant Smoke?

NBA star Kevin Durant isn’t a known cigarette smoker, but he does pick up a cigar or a hookah every so often. He also supports medical cannabis and has been seen with his own marijuana prescription.

Kevin Durant at the 2019 NBA Finals
(Credit: Getty)

Does Wayne Rooney Smoke?

With all of the running Wayne Rooney did for Manchester United, you’d be surprised to know just how much he smokes. The football player has been spotted with a cigarette on numerous occasions over the years. Each time has sparked a mini-controversy, especially because Rooney is expected to be a role model for the youth.

Models Who Smoke

Does Bella Hadid Smoke?

In numerous selfies, candid photos, and even official fashion campaigns, Bella Hadid’s favourite accessory was a cigarette. After taking a controversial smoke break in the bathroom at the 2017 Met Gala, the model quit smoking and switched to juuling instead. This year, she made it her New Year’s resolution to kick that habit as well.

Does Gisele Bundchen Smoke?

Tom Brady’s equally-famous other half Gisele Bundchen was also a huge smoker. The model admitted in her memoir that she used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day as a way to deal with the stress and anxiety of her career. Thankfully, Bundchen decided to completely transform her lifestyle. Besides quitting smoking and drinking, she also does yoga and meditation.

Does Adrianna Lima Smoke?

Adriana Lima was Victoria’s Secret’s longest-running model and their most valuable angel. In between killing it on the runway and participating in magazine shoots, Lima was known to step out every so often for a much-needed cigarette break.

Does Kate Moss Smoke?

If the fashion industry is notorious for glamorising smoking, no one did it better than the original heroin chic supermodel Kate Moss. Kate moss has lit up on the streets, in front of the camera, and even on the runway. During Paris Fashion Week in 2011, seven years after retiring, Moss caused quite a stir when she smoked a cigarette as she closed for Louis Vuitton.

Does Elsa Hosk Smoke?

The gorgeous blonde has been seen in everything from Victoria’s Secret to Dior. Despite her success, Hosk has come under fire many times for smoking. In 2017, she posted a blurry photo of her smoking out of a car window, upsetting tons of fans in the process.

Yeah, There Are a Lot of Famous People Who Smoke

And that was our celebrity smoker list! Surprised by anybody? Considering that cigarettes are pretty damn addictive (especially for people in high-stress occupations like actors and singers), it’s not surprising that a lot of your faves enjoys the occasional cigarette.

RELATED: The Queen stared down a man smoking next to her at Royal Ascot

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