Australian Celebrities

“Weight loss was not a priority”: Jelena Dokic opens up about her health journey

The Aussie tennis star tells-all.
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Australian commentator and former tennis player Jelena Dokic has recently discussed her health journey with her fans on social media.

The 41-year-old posted side-by-side images of herself then and now, alongside a long paragraph explaining her journey.

jelena dokic weight loss
Jelena Dokic opened up about her health on Instagram in June 2024. (Credit: Instagram)

“The most important thing is that I am happy and proud in both pics regardless of my weight and that I am kind always,” she began before emphasising that “This is about HEALTH and not SIZE.”

“So many questions about me getting healthier which has seen me lose weight. Weight loss was not a priority, it’s just a byproduct of looking after my health.

“Remember I am no expert and this is just what has worked for me.

“I didn’t lose weight quickly, I lost 20 kilos in just under 10 months. Nothing fast. It was small changes over time that I wanted to be able to sustain. There was no diet and I didn’t worry about the number on the scale.

“I have a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure and I started to have high blood pressure. Also, I was really sluggish and didn’t have enough energy for my very busy and hectic lifestyle.

“I couldn’t keep up and I didn’t have enough energy especially mentally and I needed to change that.”

Jelena then went on to discuss a few of the changes she made in her day-to-day life that led her to a healthier lifestyle.

Jelena Dokic, commentator, gets emotional during the court side interview with Alize Cornet of France
Jelena retired from professional tennis in 2014. (Credit: Instagram)

Jelena has previously been very open about her struggles, even discussing the online abuse she received following her commentating gig and the 2022 Australian Open.

Jelena was trolled with cruel comments fired at her on social media, as she told the Australian Woman’s Weekly in December 2022, “It was all about my body weight. I didn’t even get upset. I got really frustrated,” she said at the time.

“We should be looking at whether people are kind, gracious, compassionate, what they try to do with it. I want to be known for inspiring someone, not what size I am and what my weight is.”

jelena dokic books
Jelena has written two books. (Credit: Amazon)

What is Jelena Dokic up to now?

After retiring from being a professional tennis player in 2014, Jelena kept a relatively low profile for a few years following. In the late 2010s, she began to increase her work in tennis media and eventually became one of the most well-known tennis commentators in Australia.

She became a commentator for Fox Sports at the Australian Open in 2017 and later published her autobiography Unbreakable in November 2017.

She then went on to publish another book in 2023 titled Fearless: Finding the Power to Thrive. With the release of her second book, Jelena also toured around the country between April and May 2024.

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