The benefits of natural skincare products

And why you should consider making the change.
Image: Getty.

Natural beauty is going from strength to strength with millions of women (and men) turning to skincare that contains high levels of green ingredients.

Fair enough, you think, a sign of the times perhaps? But there’s more to it than that.

Yes, there’s another distinct reason why so many of us are turning to skincare products that contain natural ingredients. That reason – they work!

You see, many natural ingredients, also known as botanicals, are tremendously powerful and accordingly, have the capacity to give us the skin of our dreams. 

Here, skincare expert Zoe Devine, of the skincare brand Skinstitut, explains why these products are a good option  and also, which ingredients to look out for. 

Delicate, pretty yet also powerful. (Image: Getty.)

“Using a botanically sourced ingredient allows us to obtain not only a single vitamin or mineral for the skin but a plethora of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and organic compounds that work in synergy with one another for improved efficacy,” says Zoe.

“Plants contain compounds known as phytonutrients; there are over 4000 phytonutrients found in nature, each working in different ways.”

In regular person’s terms – these ingredients work with your skin and the effects can be nothing less than astonishing.

Small but packing a punch. Yep – it’s nature.

Zoe’s Four Favourite Botanicals

Green tea

These delicate leaves have powerful antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When it comes to skincare, green tea has the ability to protect skin cells from free radical damage that would ultimately lead to cell damage and premature ageing.

Papaya extract (papain enzymes)

These enzymes are proteolytic, meaning they digest protein (aka dead skin cells). Papain is gentle enough to digest old, dead skin cells, without dissolving or digesting new, healthy skin cells, thereby protecting the skin. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties also mean this ingredient is extremely useful for acne prone skin.

Kakadu plum

This Australian native fruit is one of the richest sources of vitamin C around and it delivers powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties. This helps to offset the damaging effect from daily exposure and pollution offering anti-ageing and complexion strengthening properties.

Goji berry extract

This humble berry offers a rich array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is used in skincare products for its effective anti-irritant and anti- inflammatory properties that help to calm redness and strengthen capillaries

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