My Kitchen Rules’ Andy admits: “I QUIT!”

We didn't see this coming…

Peruvian best friends Andy and Ruby have had a big impact on MKR this season.

The fiery pair haven’t held back when it comes to critiquing others food and have earned themselves a reputation for being fierce and competitive.

And there’s a very good reason for that.

Andy and Ruby
(Credit: Seven)

Andy reveals she gave up everything, including her fulltime job to take part in the cooking competition.

“I quit after I got into My Kitchen Rules,” she tells New Idea.

“That was scary.”

The 31-year-old worked for food review website Zomato (formerly UrbanSpoon) as a marketing assistant.

“I worked for Zomato doing food blogger events, all the marketing for them, food festivals, other social media,” she explains.

“It was so cool. And that’s when I started my food blog. I worked for them for a bit over two years.”

Once the competition is over, Andy plans to spend time growing her food Instagram profile Eating With Andy into a YouTube channel.

“I’m going to do all the recipes and it’s gonna be a cooking channel,” she says.

“I’m currently filming so many episodes right now. It’s so much fun, I love it.”

For more reality TV goss, listen to the newest episode of reality TV podcast Real Talk with Holly & Ali below.

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