Jennifer Lopez is launching her own skincare range

So we can finally get the J-Lo glow!
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Jennifer Lopez has long been admired for her perfect, glowing complexion and now it seems we might finally learn her secret. In fact, not just learn her secret but be able to apply it to our own skin!

Yep – you guessed it – J-Lo is releasing her very own skincare range and frankly we’re excited. After all, when does the singer / actress not look utterly amazing? That’s a rhetorical question by the way but just in case you wanted an answer it’s never. She always looks incredible – ALWAYS.

So the question begs to be asked … How does she do it?

And the answer is – we don’t know. Sorry. What we do know is this – J-Lo has been working on her very own skincare line and it is set to be released in 2019. And when it is released, us mere mortals can aim for skin like hers. Hurrah!

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez – golden and glowing at almost 50. (Image: Getty.)

And we know it will be quality stuff. Because J-Lo does not just toss her name onto any old lotion. Speaking at a promotional event for her new film Second Act, the entertainer revealed the line had been a long-time project and dream.

The reason it was taking so long? J-Lo has high standards. Like, super high.

“I will be coming out with a skincare line. I’ve been working on it for a long time because I don’t want to put [just] anything out,” she told the room.

“I want it to be something that encompasses all the things I’ve learned and all the secrets I have,” she said of the forthcoming range. “And it doesn’t have anything to do with needles.”

“It’s going to be something that works,” Lopez added. “That’s what you can count on when my name is on something.”

Jennifer Lopez
Damn girl – it’s JLo and she looks GOOD. (Image: Instagram/@Jlo)

Efficacious skincare? Well we say a big ol’ yes to that, especially if it makes our skin glow like J-Lo’s. Fingers crossed for a bodycare line too. If there’s a cream out there that will bring us J-Lo’s booty then we want it. Big time.

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