Home And Away: Exclusive photos of your favourite stars

Summer Bay's couples come together for a spring shoot!
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Spring has well and truly sprung. And in our favourite coastal town where the sun always shines, love is in the air – on-screen, at least!

And what better way to celebrate the change of season than a day with three of Summer Bay’s hottest couples, James Stewart and Sarah Roberts, Jackson Heywood and Sophie Dillman, and Sam Frost and Jake Ryan.

They model spring fashion at New Idea’s exclusive photo shoot and give us the lowdown on everything from their on- and off-screen relationships, to fun on set, and their TV wardrobes.

James Stewart and Sarah Roberts (Justin and Willow)

You’re a couple in real life as well as on the show. What’s that like?

Sarah: We’re so lucky. We feel so blessed to be working together every day.

James: It really is a blessing. But you can’t hold onto it too tight, because one day on the show you’re divorcing and that afternoon you’re getting remarried! You really have to leave that direction in the capable hands of the writers.

And you get to have lunch together every day…

Lawrence Furzey
(Credit: Lawrence Furzey)

James: I know! And Sarah gets to watch how many carbs I eat! [Laughs.]

Can it be difficult when your characters are having issues?

Sarah: You just have to remember what’s real and, at the end of the day, step out of your character.

Sarah, how does Willow’s wardrobe compare to your own?

Sarah: Oh my goodness, mine is so different! [Laughs.] I love to wear pretty floral dresses, while Willow is a bit tougher in terms of her wardrobe. But that’s a great thing in terms of stepping into a character – I put on her costume and totally feel like her.

Lawrence Furzey
(Credit: Lawrence Furzey)

Sam Frost and Jake Ryan (Jasmine and Robbo)

Did you hit it off as friends from day one on set?

Sam: We really did. We’re the best of mates. It’s so good, because every single day I get to work alongside someone I’m really good friends with. You know no matter what’s happening in your personal life or how you’re feeling, you’ve got someone who has your back.

Jake: We have a lot of fun together. Sam’s my bestie at work. I think the writers saw how much fun we have together and got the idea of having someone who brightens up Robbo, which I don’t think anyone thought was possible!

Do you spend time together outside of work?

Jake: As a group, we’re all pretty tight. We’ll go out for birthdays or to catch up over dinner. That said, it’s still important to have your own life outside of work.

How does your character’s wardrobe compare to your own?

Jake: Robbo’s not known for his fashion sense – neither am I. I definitely dress for comfort. I don’t have much colour in my wardrobe except for a Hawaiian shirt collection!

Sam: I’ve actually been a bit inspired by Jasmine’s wardrobe. I must say I’ve gone out and bought the exact same pieces Jasmine has, because I find she has way better style than I do!

Lawrence Furzey
(Credit: Lawrence Furzey)

Sophie Dillman and Jackson Heywood (Ziggy and Brody)

Do you socialise together in real life?

Sophie: Absolutely – and with the rest of the cast, too. I think you can see on-screen we have a great friendship. It’d be really hard if you didn’t get along. We make each other laugh a lot.

How does your character’s wardrobe compare to your own?

Sophie: I’m a pretty simple dresser, whereas Ziggy likes to be a bit flashier. I’m definitely a bit of a jeans and T-shirt girl. I also like shorts, but Ziggy has some particularly short shorts that you’d never catch me in! [Laughs.]

Jackson: You would never ever see me in boat shoes in real life! But Brody rocks them!

Are you loving the latest looks for spring?

Sophie: Any warmer weather is my jam because I’m from Queensland. I love spring because you get to wear simpler, lighter clothing.

Lawrence Furzey
(Credit: Lawrence Furzey)

For the full story, and more Home And Away exclusives, see this weeks issue of New Idea – on sale now.

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